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Due October 13, 2014:

​The purpose of this assignment was to analyze a film of my choosing. I chose Crash (2004), and I analyzed the theme of the film which was Xenophobia. I also analyzed the characterization, conflict, camera focus, and scene transitions to show how effective the creator was with displaying the theme of the film. At first, I was unsure about this assignment because it seemed too vague, and I put way too much thought into it. Once I actually understood the concept, this assignment became easier. Also the movie I chose to analyze made this assignment very interesting. This was one of my favorite assignments.

Due September 9, 2014

​The purpose of this assignment was to assess my writing in the beginning of the course in order to get a feel for my strengths and weaknesses. It also served as a status to know what I needed to work on to better my writing. Looking back on it now, I can see how much my writing has improved. I was used to doing impromptu writing assignments such as this from high school, but the prompt was sort of vague, so I thought I would fail miserably. But I used this as something to build off, and I feel like this assignment helped me to be able to think on my feet. 




Due September 9, 2014

​The purpose of this assignment was to critically analyze an article. I analyzed an article about women who are professional athletes, and have to battle their duel identities of being both a woman and an athlete. This article was very interesting! It taught me some things I was unaware of, which was odd being that I am a sports fanatic and I am a Division 1 women's basketball manager. This assignment proved to be a little difficult becuase I had to be precise in saying everything I wanted to while not going over one page. All in all I enjoyed this assignment because it was interesting and it did not require much.





My Work

Critical Film Analysis





Critical Summary Analysis
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